LIVE Group Coaching Starting Monday March 1!

Feel Energized, Sexy & Confident In Your Body Again In Just 28 Days ...

“Jumpstart Your Metabolism & Discover How To Balance Your Hormones So That You Can Lose Weight & Regain Energy...

Yup!  In Just 28 Days...

Your Challenge Starts March 1

As Seen In:

“I’m tired of feeling sick and tired. I just want to feel good in my own body, but I don’t even have the time or energy to start. I’ve tried every diet program, prescription drug, and routine you can imagine, but I still don’t feel good.....

Does this sound like you?

  You’re tired and frustrated. Your moods are all over the place and you’ve never felt this way before. You’re ready for change, but you don’t even know where to get started...

You want to eat right, but there’s so much conflicting diet information. When it comes to exercise, you do too much or too little, but nothing seems right...

“My doctor tells me it’s normal to be tired and have no sex drive at this stage of life, but if this is normal, I don’t want it....

Your doctor just gave you five prescriptions for your varying symptoms, but you know it’s not the answer...

You're not getting answers that resolve your symptoms. You’re ready for a better solution, but you don’t even know how to get started or who to turn to for support...

“No matter what I do or what program I try, I just can’t seem to lose the weight. I feel unattractive and uncomfortable in my own skin....

You’ve done it all and then some, but you STILL haven’t achieved the results you were promised. Feeling good is starting to feel like a distant dream...

OK, maybe you never expected to feel like you were in your 20s again, but is waking up feeling energized & optimistic about life really too much to ask...

Listen, you deserve to feel good

You don’t deserve to suffer, 

and I’m here to help you get your mojo back...

Master Your Midlife Metabolism & Get Unstuck

Jumpstarting Your Mojo Isn’t About Getting By

Symptoms at Midlife can send you the stimulant route where you can’t get through the day without sugar or coffee to "wind up" or wine to "wind down".

It’s Not About Masking Symptoms With Drugs

It’s not enough to address the symptoms, you have to tackle the root-cause, but you probably already knew that. 

You just don’t know where to begin...

Your Doctor Doesn’t Have This Information To Share

You won’t get your mojo back in your doctor’s office. There is no magic drug or silver bullet to solve your health problems.

Plus, mainstream medicine isn't about healing what's causing your problems, it's about medications to control & not fix them...

Just Because It's "Normal" For Most Women To Suffer At Midlife Doesn’t Mean That It's Optimal...

Most women are not aware that optimal health is available at every age.  They see others suffering so they think that's the only option.  It's not...Stop settling for less than what's possible...

It Doesn’t Have To Be A Huge Committment

It doesn’t take a lot of your time or money either. In just 3 weeks you can reset your metabolism and get the skills, motivation and savvy you need to get on the right track headed to your best health and life yet...

Before I discovered an all natural root cause resolution approach for my health issues I was lost and confused.....

As a Board Certified OBGYN I was supposed to know everything there is to know about women's health and healing

But nothing I had been taught helped me figure out what was wrong with my health and fix it...

Hi, I'm Dr. Kyrin Dunston,

Years ago I was a busy OBGYN running a successful practice.  From the outside, I looked like I had it all.  On the inside....I felt like I was dying.....

I was obese, weighing 243 lbs, and had no life outside work and sleeping, which I did for 10 hours a day. Even though I was a wife and a Mom, my chronic pain, depression & anxiety and constant fatigue kept me from participating fully in life.

But... no matter what I did, I just couldn’t lose the weight and I was constantly tired.   All the tests I ran came back "normal"

Even my doctor couldn’t help me.  I felt hopeless, helpless, and lost. I dreaded getting out of bed every day.

Doctors tell you it’s "normal for your age" to feel tired and gain weight.  You understand that your hormones are changing, but you feel like a stranger in your own skin , your sex drive is shot, your health concerns are multiplying, and you this normal? 

Through a series of miraculous events I discovered a different type of medicine that addresses the root causes of health symptoms and disease using natural treatments and diagnoses using special tests I'd never heard of.  When I read about it I knew it was the Truth and the right way to heal the body.

I committed right then and there to learn as much as I could about this type of medicine and to use it to heal myself.  

And that's what I did...I became obsessed with uncovering the root causes of my symptoms and treating them naturally.

And then.....the weight started coming off, my energy began returning, my hair growing back and I started to feel at home in my skin and my life again.

Over two years,  I lost 100 pounds as menopause was beginning, healed all of my symptoms and got off all prescription medicines.

I looked and felt 20 years younger!

That was 10 years ago and now I'm keeping the promise I made to help as many women as possible to transform their health and their lives by sharing this powerful technology of root cause resolution medicine.

There's no reason that you have to suffer at midlife, not with weight gain, not with sagging energy, not with low sex drive or hair loss, not with any symptoms that interfere with you living your life to the fullest.

The truth is that with the right can feel as good in midlife as you did when you were in college!

I’m eager to help you jumpstart your midlife mojo & feel amazing in your body so that you can live your life to the fullest.....because you deserve it!


Dr. Kyrin

Some Of My Before & After Photos...

So I created a program for you to start to turn your health around in the right direction in just 28 days......


My proven system for women at midlife who 

want to reset their metabolism and start to lose weight, regain energy, balance their hormones & their moods, feel sexy & confident, look great and master midlife!


Live Group Coaching Program Starts Monday, March 1, 2021

In Just 4 Weeks

You’ll Achieve Incredible Results!

  • Reset your metabolism
  • ​Lose up to 10 pounds
  • ​Increase your energy
  • ​Balance your hormones & moods
  • ​Feel sexy & confident
  • Look great and master midlife

Step 1: Address Your Energy Blueprint

All healing begins with energy...

Learn how to set your energy right for success.

Step 2: Balance Your Hormones

Hormones tell your cells how to function...

Start leveling out your hormones to get your systems functioning optimally

Step 3: Detoxify Your Body

Toxins clog up your system...

Ridding your body of toxins improves weight & energy and sends you towards healing

Lock In Your Spot Today 

& Get These Amazing Benefits:

 28 Live Daily Lessons and regular Q&A with me so that you can feel confident that you’re making the right choices throughout your journey 

  Video Library of Lessens and Q & A Sessions

  Assessments including Toxicity Score so you can know where you are now and track your progress

 Eating Guidebook with recipes to keep you on track through the program

I'm a busy woman too...

This System Was Created With You In Mind

Simple Steps

No big homework assignments, projects or things to study up on. There are only 3 simple steps to start getting your health on track.

Powerful Results

The steps I help you implement and the laser-focus of this training will help you take targeted action to move your health in the right direction.

Easy Access

You're on the go - so is this material! All of the videos, audio tracks and documents are easily accessible through an app on your phone (or on your computer). Wherever, whenever.

(Please note: Submit Your Starting & Finishing Weight & Energy with Photo to qualify For A Refund If Needed.  Opened supplements are not returnable or refundable for any reason and the supplement cost will be deducted from the program cost if a refund is issued)

Pretty Sure You're Gonna 

Love This...

You CAN do this & I'm excited to GUIDE you to success!

Still not sure it's working for you? 

No problem...It's ok... if you’re not 100% satisfied with the program within 28 days, I will offer 

you a refund!

But Wait.....There's More!

The program starts March 1, so hurry and SIGN UP TODAY 

and you'll get these amazing bonuses!

Bonus #1


28 day Jumpstart Your Mojo roadmap to outline & track your journey to success 

($97 value!)

Bonus #2


14 gourmet recipes from my book “Cracking the Bikini Code" that I created with Chef Brian (and a shopping list to make meal prep hassle-free)

 ($27 value!)

Bonus #3


My private Facebook community so that you can interact with other midlife women and get support on your journey 

($197 value!)

Space is limited to 50 women (so that we can make sure that you get the attention you deserve) and doors close March 1, so don't wait...

I can’t wait to help you achieve incredible results in my program. 

Just see what these amazing ladies had to say about their experiences.

My proven system for women at midlife who want to reset their metabolism and start to lose weight, regain energy, balance their hormones & their moods, feel sexy & confident, look great and master midlife!

-In Just 28 Days!

TOTAL VALUE = ($5449)

Jumpstart Your

Midlife Metabolism Challenge

Only $47

28 live daily lessons with Q&A with Dr. Kyrin....................(Value $4997)

Video Library of Lessens and Q & A Sessions........................(Value $97)

Targeted Health Self Assessments.........................................(Value $97)

What To Eat Guidebook...........................................................(Value $37)

Roadmap....................................................................................(Value $97)

Recipes & Grocery List.............................................................(Value $27)

Private Community................................................................(Value $197)

TOTAL......................................................................................(Value $5449)

The Jumpstart Starts Mar 1...

And You Must Register

By Mar 1 @ 10 AM



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"My experience with Dr. Dunston has been five-star. She opened my eyes to a new way of thinking and small, but significant, changes made a big difference in my health. She lives what she teaches -- which I find impressive. #thrilled."

-Alice C.

"I didn't have to explain much about what I was going through. She understood. She knew exactly what was wrong with me. I was taken care of. I feel EMPOWERED. I feel really, really good. I didn't believe until I went to see her how much different my life could be."

-Maria D.

"Dr. Dunston is a fabulous doctor. Unlike other doctors I have been to, she spent a great deal of time with me, listened to me, and sincerely wanted to help me feel better. She is very knowledgeable about women's health, hormone-replacement therapy and is open to alternative treatments. I love Dr. Dunston."

-Spring P.

"Dr. Dunston is passionate about helping women find their whole health and makes herself available to making that happen. She brings a personal experience, which makes her so relatable. Her expertise and care turned my health around."

-Jenny S.

* DISCLAIMER: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The average person can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly following the Jumpstart Your Midlife Mojo Program but there is no guarantee any weight loss will occur. Results vary because of many factors, including health status, food eaten, water consumed, sleep quantity and other factors beyond our contol.

This website does not provide medical or healthcare advice. Consult with your physician before making any dietary or other health-related changes, including adoption of the Jumpstart Your Midlife Mojo Program. 

 Contact Us: [email protected]

 Privacy - Terms- Refund & Return Policy

Copyright © 2021 - Kyrin Dunston MD LLC - Her Brilliant Health  - All Rights Reserved

FOR SUPPORT ISSUES OR QUESTIONS, please email us at [email protected]